What Are Dental Crowns And Why Do We Need Them?

Dental Crowns in Salt Lake City, UT
By Cottonwood Dental | July 16, 2023

Welcome to our blog! Today, we’re diving into the world of dental crowns—those little wonders that can transform your smile. Whether you’ve heard about them before or not, this article will give you a comprehensive understanding of what dental crowns are and why they are so important in maintaining good oral health. So, sit back, relax, and let’s explore the fascinating world of dental crowns together!

What are dental crowns?

Dental crowns, also known as caps, are common restorative dental treatments used to protect and restore damaged teeth. They are designed to cover the entire tooth structure above the gum line, providing strength and support.

Made from various materials such as ceramic, porcelain-fused-to-metal, or metal alloys like gold or stainless steel, dental crowns can be customized to match the natural color of your teeth. This ensures a seamless blend with your existing smile.

The process of getting a dental crown typically involves two visits to the Salt Lake City Dentist. During the initial visit, your tooth will be prepared by removing any decay or damage. An impression will then be taken to create a custom-made crown that fits perfectly over the tooth. In the meantime, a temporary crown will be placed.

Once your permanent crown is ready, it will be cemented onto your tooth using special adhesive techniques. The result is a strong and durable restoration that restores both function and aesthetics.

Dental crowns serve multiple purposes, including strengthening weak or cracked teeth, protecting root canal-treated teeth from further damage, restoring severely worn down teeth, covering discolored or misshapen teeth for cosmetic enhancement, and anchoring dental bridges in place

Overall, dental crowns play an essential role in preserving oral health and enhancing smiles by providing long-lasting protection and improving the overall appearance.

Types of dental crowns

There are several types of dental crowns available, each with its own unique advantages. The type of crown recommended for you will depend on various factors, including the location of the tooth, your budget, and your personal preferences.

1. Porcelain Crowns: These crowns are made from a durable ceramic material that closely resembles natural teeth in color and appearance. They are a popular choice for front teeth due to their excellent aesthetic qualities.

2. Metal Crowns: Made from alloys such as gold or silver, metal crowns are known for their strength and durability. While they may not match the natural color of your teeth, they offer superior longevity and can withstand heavy biting forces.

3. Porcelain-Fused-to-Metal (PFM) Crowns: PFM crowns combine the strength of metal with the aesthetics of porcelain. They have a metal base covered by a layer of tooth-colored porcelain, making them suitable for both front and back teeth.

4. All-Ceramic or All-Porcelain Crowns: These crowns provide exceptional aesthetics as they mimic the translucency and shade variations found in natural teeth. They are an ideal option for those who desire a more natural-looking smile.

5. Zirconia Crowns: Known for their incredible strength, zirconia crowns can withstand high chewing forces without chipping or cracking. They offer excellent durability while maintaining an attractive appearance.

It’s important to consult with your dentist to determine which type of crown is best suited to address your specific dental needs.

What are the benefits of dental crowns?

Dental crowns offer a host of benefits for those dealing with damaged or decayed teeth. They provide protection by covering the entire tooth, preventing further damage, and reducing sensitivity. This is particularly useful for individuals with weak or cracked teeth.

Dental crowns improve the appearance of your smile. They are custom-made to match the color and shape of your natural teeth, ensuring a seamless and natural look. Whether you have discolored or misshapen teeth, crowns can help restore your confidence in flashing that beautiful smile.

Furthermore, dental crowns restore functionality to your mouth. If you’ve had a root canal treatment or a large filling in the past, chances are your tooth has weakened over time. Crowns act as reinforcements and allow you to chew and speak comfortably again.

In addition to these functional benefits, dental crowns also contribute to overall oral health by maintaining the proper alignment of surrounding teeth. When a tooth is missing or severely damaged, neighboring teeth may shift positions over time, leading to bite issues and jaw problems.

Dental crowns play an important role in preserving both oral health and aesthetics. So if you’re dealing with any dental issues that could benefit from the many advantages mentioned above, it’s worth considering this option!

When do you need dental crowns?

When do you need dental crowns? Dental crowns are often recommended by dentists for a variety of reasons. One common reason is when a tooth has been severely damaged or decayed and cannot be repaired with a simple filling. In these cases, a dental crown can help restore the tooth’s structure and protect it from further damage.

Another situation where dental crowns may be needed is after a root canal procedure. Root canals involve removing the infected pulp from inside the tooth and filling it with a special material. However, because this process weakens the tooth, placing a dental crown over it provides added strength and protection.

Dental crowns are also used to cover teeth that are misshapen or discolored. This can greatly improve the appearance of your smile and boost your confidence.

In some cases, dental crowns may be used as part of a bridge to replace missing teeth. The crown acts as an anchor for the bridge, allowing it to span the gap left by the missing tooth.

If you have any concerns about the health or appearance of your teeth, it’s best to consult with your dentist, who can determine if dental crowns are necessary in your specific case.

The bottom line

The bottom line is that dental crowns play a crucial role in maintaining oral health and restoring the functionality of damaged teeth. They offer numerous benefits, including improved appearance, enhanced strength and durability, and protection against further damage or decay.

Whether you have a severely decayed tooth, a cracked or chipped tooth, or simply want to improve the aesthetics of your smile, dental crowns can be an excellent solution. With different types of crowns available, your dentist will help determine which option is best suited for your specific needs.

Remember to practice good oral hygiene habits such as regular brushing and flossing and schedule routine dental check-ups to ensure the longevity of your dental crowns. By taking care of your oral health and addressing any issues promptly with the help of dental crowns when necessary, you can enjoy a confident smile for years to come.

So don’t hesitate to reach out to your dentist if you think you may need dental crowns. Your smile deserves the best care possible!